6 Unconventional Ways to Save Moneysave money

Register here to start your path to save money, gain life and gain freedomhttps://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6367028107145515778

When I was 11 years old, I went on a missionary trip with my church to Moscow, Russia. I had to save money, fundraise, and work to pay my way. So, at a very young age, I learned the value of a dollar and of sacrifice. Plus, to experience such poverty and depression at 11 years old, made a resounding impact on my life. I was amazed at the opportunities we had here in America. And how much we took them for granted.

At that age, I loved the mall. But as I spent a few weeks in Russia with a girl my age that wore the same clothes every single day and went unphased, I found a new appreciation for life and for value.

I became an entrepreneur at 11 years old. Ha! Well, not really. But I did start to find ways to pinch pennies here and there and save money. Over time, it started adding up. I made some huge financial mistakes along the way, but worked my way towards complete financial freedom. I was debt free at 32 years old (I’m 34 now)! I have no car payments, no mortgage, no credit card bills! THAT is freedom!

I often think of how many relationships and families are under an immense amount of stress due to finances. What if that burden was lifted? What if your shoulders were free of that heaviness?

I’m Crazysave money

Now, I didn’t apply the typical, save money strategies like investing in the stock market or setting up a retirement account. Rather, I came up with my own personal practices that snowballed over time. And no, I wasn’t a crazy coupon-er. Ha! Well, at least I don’t think I was or haven’t come to terms with it yet. Ha! Just kidding. So what does all of this have to do with you? As the holidays approach and in my line of business, I constantly see and hear from people without any money. It drives me bonkers. I hate it. This wasn’t the life you were designed to live.

I am doing a webinar for you to share some of my outside of the box, practical tips to save money, work your way to financial freedom and to relieve the daily stress. These tips didn’t come out of a book. These are simple things I applied in my life and it has resulted in a debt free outcome!

This FREE (otherwise it would be counterproductive, right?) webinar will be on Tuesday, November 11th at 8:30 eastern. REGISTER here to start your path to save money, gain life and gain freedom: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6367028107145515778


P.S. Feel free to share this with anyone you know that could stand to save money! Can’t wait to share with you this Tuesday!

P.S.S. Once you register, comment below! Excited to see who will be on to hear my practical ways to save money! There are over 100 registered so far!

Digging Deeper,
Jessica Bowser Nelson
save money

Comments (2)

  1. Sarah (reply)

    11/18/2014 at 2:02 pm

    I loved this webinar Jessica!!! Thanks for taking time to share your tips. I’m already implementing them 🙂

    1. Jessica Bowser Nelson (reply)

      11/19/2014 at 7:13 am

      Yay Sarah! That makes me so happy! Thanks for letting me know! Keep saving 🙂

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