To reach your goals, you’ve got to see it before you see it, or you’ll never see it.

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Here’s the full transcript:

Hey, it’s Jessica and today I want to talk about the power of goal setting and how to reach your goals, you’ve got to see it before you see it, or you’ll never see it. So I have a lot of examples of this in my business and just, in my life. I have always been really big on setting goals…on striving for more…but on defining what MORE “is” or was to me in that moment in my life.

So I’m going to give you one example of an influence in my life that helped me and will hopefully help you reach your goals too.

Even when I set out with that intention..and I don’t know if you’ve ever done that, where your intentions were good, and you’re like, “I’m going to do this!” (This could be your workout program, eating healthy, or just turning your life in the right direction.) So the day you decide
you’re all gung-ho,
you’re ready,
you’re focused,
and then what happens?
Time passes. That feeling is not AS strong. Say it’s your work out… you skip one day… the next thing you know, you skip two… the next thing you know, you’re like, “Remember that one day when I used to work out??” So I think it’s very important to realize that just because you decide today to live your life with intention and to set some goals, that tomorrow you actually have to make that decision again.

So in my own life, my grandma actually was a super awesome example of this, and she kind of reminded me that I was slipping away and I wasn’t necessarily going for my goals like I thought I was. It was when I first became a coach. There was a contest where I had the opportunity to win a trip on the Beachbody Cruise. So it was gonna be a FREE cruise to somewhere in the Caribbean with all of the Beachbody trainers and I was actually brand new in the business, so in my brain, I wasn’t even convinced I was going do this coaching thing long term, you know? I wasn’t even really sure of what I had gotten into but I’m like, “Well, a free vacation would be awesome!” Because I love vacationing. One of my favorite things is making memories, so I’m like..that would be cool!

So I’m going for it. But, still in my brain, I have doubt, you know… I’m brand new at this… I don’t know what I’m doing… I’m sure other people are going to beat me because they know what they’re doing (I don’t). I had hope, but I didn’t really have faith. BUT I have a praying grandma!

So I had shared that I was in this contest with my grandma. I call her Memo. So I told Memo all about it and she says, “Well, you’re going to win this contest,” and of course in my head, I’m like,
She doesn’t really understand…
I’m brand new.
I’m up against people that know what they’re doing,”
and you know..the same old thing.
So she says “You’re gonna win this contest. I’m gonna be praying that you’re going to win this contest.” Okay, sure! Keep thinking that Grandma! Maybe it’ll work! Ha! The contest was three months long, and I found out at the end of the contest, I did NOT win. Someone else had beat me and it is what it is. I was disappointed for multiple reasons.

Having faith can make a difference!reach your goals

I’m very competitive.
I don’t like to lose.
I normally actually don’t play games unless I really think I’m going to win.
So I’m also a very poor sport (which is not what I recommend- ha!).
But you know, of course I wanted to go on this cruise too so I was very disappointed.
But, throughout the whole time, my intention wasn’t solid. I had no REAL FAITH that I was going to win, but Memo did.

So I lost.
Now, come to find out, I attended an event about a week later. I got to meet my coach for the very first time in person and she calls me up on stage, which I’m totally humiliated and embarrassed by. If you don’t know me, upon first meeting me, I’m VERY shy, and I’m so scared because I have to go up on this stage and she hands me what she’s made into a sailor cap (I guess…). I thought it was a DUNCE CAP and she let’s me know that they had counted the points wrong and I ACTUALLY WON THE CRUISE!

So in my brain, I’m thinking,
Oh my gosh, my grandma was right!
You know, Memo had it figured out!
She saw it before she saw it, or she would never see it.
She had the faith.
She knew that she knew that she knew when I was the one over here doubting!

So what happened afterwards actually turned out to be a horrible day. I went outside and I turned my phone on and I had several missed messages and it had turned out that my grandpa, Pepo, had fallen, and had a stroke while he was running. He was a runner. He was still running something like 7 miles a day and I guess he just had fallen while he was running and actually hit his head. So I raced back, because I was in Orlando. I raced back to Jacksonville and I just remember it being such a horrible moment. Everyone was in the waiting room and devastated by this news but there was this moment where I got to go over to Memo and I got to tell her she was RIGHT. You know I had had a hard time not telling her she was CRAZY because for a week she’s like “You’re going on this cruise, You’re going on this cruise,” and I’m like, “Memo, it’s OVER! I LOST!  LET IT GO!”

It was just like this little glimpse of hope and light in a really horrible day and it was because, in my opinion, she had the faith and the belief and her intention was set and she knew that she knew that she knew.

You can achieve anything if you put your mind to itreach your goals

So I don’t know what it is that you want in your life
but what I DO know is that you can achieve anything you want.
If you just put your mind to it,
put your heart to it,
and you put your action behind it,
and never give up,
YOU can make a difference…
and even if you fail along the way,
because I have not achieved every single one of my goals.
I have bombed!
But, you know what?
I’ve learned more in the process and I grew as a person,
and to me, that’s what really counts in life.

Set your intentions.
Set your goals.
Make them known,
and go after them with everything inside of you,
and I guarantee you will WIN!
It might not be the prize you think, but you will come out on the other side a winner!

So I hope this helps you today reach your goals. Definitely subscribe to my channel below. Shoot me a message at if you’re ready to get started on your health and fitness journey or join my Dare 2 Dream team to help us grow ourselves as we help others.

See you guys later!

Digging Deeper,

Jessica Bowser Nelson

reach your goals

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