Staying motivated and overcoming your pitfalls!

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Hey everybody!
It’s Jessica and, as promised, I want to continue the conversation about how to stay MOTIVATED in your life and help you achieve your goals, but here’s the thing that I want you to know: There isn’t a one-size-fits-all or a mold you have to fit into in order to reach your goals, especially in your health and fitness journey.

So what I want you to do is tailor make your circumstances and your situation to YOU! For example, if you know, “Hmmm… if I don’t work out in the morning, then I don’t work out, I don’t get my workout in…” What do you have to do? You have to make sure that you set time aside and you make it happen in the morning. If you know, “You know what? Every time I go out of town, I completely fall off the wagon.” So these aren’t end-alls and it doesn’t mean that every time you oversleep now you can’t work out or every time you go out of town you have to fall off the wagon, instead you have to tailor make a plan around your pitfalls and things that get in your way, that you know kind of sabotage your success.

What’s keeping you from reaching your goals?pitfalls

#1: I want you to get out a pen or pencil, and I want you to make a list.

When ‘X’ happens, ‘Y’ doesn’t happen.

So ‘X’ is when something happens (when there is a pitfall)… when there is something I know that stops me personally from reaching success. Make a list of those things. “When that happens, I don’t reach my goal…” So first off, we need to know your goal and second off we need to know what’s happening that’s keeping you from reaching your goals, because odds are, if you’ve set out on a journey before, and failed, there might be similar pitfalls that are coming into your way… and people have different pitfalls. You know what? For me, I do great when I travel or I do great when I’m at home, but that doesn’t mean that someone else does great when they travel or does great when they’re at home. You know, whereas for me, if my husband orders pizza, I’m going to fall of the wagon! I know there’s very close to ZERO potential of me not eating a piece of pizza if it’s in the house, so I have to tailor make my plan to help me avoid my pitfalls. So the same is going to be true in your case.

So like I said,
#1: Write down the scenarios where you know your will power gets low!
You struggle, you aren’t able to withstand temptation.

#2: Then, what we’re going to do is we’re going to tailor make solutions to help you avoid those pitfalls. So if I know my husband is ordering pizza, I might make an excuse to go out to dinner with a girlfriend or possibly try to talk him out of it! Sometimes things are out of control so we have to have a Plan B solution in mind BEFORE we get to the situation. Once the pizza shows up, I’m done for! So the same is going to be true in your pitfalls, because that’s what they’re called. PITFALLS! So, make sure you make a list of your pitfalls and then you make a list of your solutions , so you have a plan going in and you have a plan ahead of time. The same is true for me with baby showers. I love baby shower food! So I KNOW..guess what…
I HAVE to have my Shakeology before I go.
I have to drink A LOT of water.
I have to NOT be hungry when I go and I tell myself that I’m allowed to make two splurge decisions. So I can pick my two favorite things off the table and enjoy them and not feel guilty about it and then that will keep me away from taste testing every single thing!

pitfallsDiscover your personal pitfalls, and then come up with a plan.

If you need help with a plan, comment below with your pitfalls. I would love to help you come up with a solution to not have to keep hitting your head against a wall, encountering the same issues over and over that are sabotaging your success. So comment below. I’M happy to help. Make sure you subscribe to my channel and shoot me a message personally if you need more help getting started with your health and fitness journey. I match people up with programs to get them the results they desire in their life and it’s POSSIBLE, but we’ve got to tailor make it to you. So shoot me a message,, and let’s determine your pitfalls so that we can easily overcome them and get you where you want to be!

Digging Deeper,

Jessica Bowser Nelson


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