Marriage Sucks, Right?

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Hey guys, it’s Jessica Bowser Nelson and today’s topic is gonna be a liiittle bit different.

You know, most of my videos are about success, whether it be in your health and fitness, or in your business, or really just in your life. So today I wanted to touch on a sensitive topic and that is the topic of MARRIAGE! So whether you’re married, or gonna get married one day, or even just in a relationship, you should be able to apply this advice to your situation.

But you know in my marriage, I’ve been married now something like… 7 years? *Busted!* HA! aaand we have definitely had our ups and downs! If you know anything about my story, you know the struggles that I’ve been through, and it hasn’t been an easy road, but I will say that one thing that irks me and kind of annoys me is whenever you hear marriage advice, it’s ALWAYS the same!

It’s either that “Marriage is hard!” or

“You KNOW that marriage takes work!”

and I’ve always just thought, you know, when I CARE about somebody… and when I LOVE somebody… THAT doesn’t take work. THAT’S not hard.


When It Doesn’t Have to Suckmarriage sucks

When I really just care about somebody,
I want to put them first.
I take their interests into mind.
I’m worried about them.
I’m concerned about them.
I want their well-being to be what it should be.
When I just think about anybody that I love and care about, that’s how I feel about them. I would do whatever I can do to help them grow, or survive, or thrive or whatever that may be… So why is it that when it comes to marriage, all the sudden it’s different and it’s gotta be hard and difficult and takes so much effort? And marriage sucks! I just disagree!! I think the problem is that we’re forgetting what love is about and we’re forgetting that we’re in love.

So my encouragement to ANY married people out there is to LOVE again… to remember why you got together in the first place! It doesn’t have to be hard because when you care about somebody, YOU CARE ABOUT SOMEBODY, and you help them get through whatever they’re going through, and you’re there for them and you’re supportive! You know, I’m a big believer in ‘You get what you give’, so I’m guilty myself in MY marriage a lot… Whenever I wasn’t getting what I needed, instead of giving, I would go get in my corner, and get depressed, and internalize everything and push it all down, when instead now, you know what? If I say…  want more attention, I’m gonna GIVE more attention… If I want more help I’m gonna GIVE more help instead of just fuming and building up a case against the person that I supposedly love!

You will find after applying these tips, your marriage sucks less Ha! Hopefully that helps somebody today, because I just don’t understand why marriage has to be work, and it has to be hard, and it has to be this CHORE when you truly care about somebody. So try to find that love again, and find that reason you got together in the first place, because guess what? There are gonna be days you’re not gonna remember. I’ve had plenty of those days, where you’re like, “How did this happen??” But when you get back to the place where you know your heart is open again, that’s when it’s gonna be easier and that’s when it’s not gonna be work!

Marriage Sucks When You Stop Caringmarriage sucks

I hope this is helpful, because honestly I think just being a work in progress in life is how you succeed!
So apply that to your relationships.
Be a work in progress.
Be open.
Be loving.
Be caring and put the other person first.
You know, we live in too much of a selfish society where all we really care about is ourselves, but when you stop caring about yourself and look outward and see what you can do for others, especially your spouse, you’ll find that your situation will change for sure… and I’m not saying be controlling…
I’m saying be concerned.
Be helpful.
Be caring.
Be loving.
Be the person that you want to be.
So hopefully that’s helpful and your marriage sucks no more! Ha!  If you need help, this is what I do. I kinda help people get fit from the inside out and I would LOVE to help you, whether it’s lose weight, start your own business… you name it… you can shoot me a message,, and I would be happy to help.

See you guys later!

Digging Deeper,

Jessica Bowser Nelson

marriage sucks


Comments (2)

  1. Cori Toscano (reply)

    06/12/2015 at 9:12 am

    i like that, “give what you want” instead of getting mad about not getting it! thank you

    1. Jessica Bowser Nelson (reply)

      06/12/2015 at 6:11 pm

      For sure 🙂 And honestly, it’s just about doing YOUR best. That’s all you can control.

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