Don’t Sweat the Small Stuffgaining perspective

There’s been something heavy on my heart lately and honestly, I just have to get it out. I pray this doesn’t offend you or seem insensitive, as that isn’t my intention, but sometimes a coach or a leader has to deliver some tough love and be okay with the consequences. THIS is one of those moments.

Lately, I have been bombarded with issues or situations or “problems” for weeks now. Whether it’s hurt feelings or “so and so said this about me” or even broken hearts from hurtful relationships, it just seemed like around every corner, I was finding pain.

I know pain. I’ve experienced pain, let down, disappointment, unfulfilled expectations, anger, resentment, bitterness…just to name a few. I’ve been hurt, seemingly beyond repair. And in that moment of utter despair, I had a friend that said a few words to me that stung.
They hurt.
I was more mad.
More angry.
More resentful.

She said…

“You know, you aren’t the only person that’s ever gone thru this.”

Ouch. I sure as heck felt like I was. I felt like I was on an island of struggle and hurt. I felt like NOBODY understood or had ever gone thru something worse in their life than this. I felt alone and as if my lungs were collapsing…as if I’d been punched in the stomach and then my friend..
says THIS….
pretty much kicking me while I was down?

But that one phrase, in hindsight, offered me something I was missing.
That one phrase, while it hurt at the time, it was oh so true.
I was missing perspective.

Whatever you’re going thru, however you’ve been hurt or wronged or talked down to or mistreated, there’s SOMEONE in a worse situation moving beyond itletting it go…walking in forgiveness…realizing how petty it is.

No. All situations aren’t petty. I didn’t feel like mine was. But FAR TOO OFTEN, we let insignificant, non big picture issues, consume us. WHY? I had a friend find out they were battling cancer. CANCER. Do you think I really care about what so and so said about you NOW? Or how somebody was mean on Facebook or how that car cut you off in traffic or how your food wasn’t made just right or how you missed your goal or WHATEVER.

Gaining Perspectivegaining perspective

All, I’m saying is we ALL go thru stuff. We all hit walls, have issues, experience heart break, endure pain. But don’t sweat the small stuff. And WHATEVER you’re going thru, realize it’s not the end of you and evaluate if it’s worth the negative energy and attention you’re giving it. In my situation, I thought it WAS worth it. I deserved to be in pain. That’s how I felt. But WHAT will that do for me in the long run? How can I live up to my potential if I’m allowing myself to wallow in self pity and dwell on issues that LEGITIMATELY don’t have to be issues unless I allow them to be.

Whatever happened yesterday, cannot be changed now.
But we ARE in control of our today.
Let the past go.
Leave the pain and the hurt there.
And PUHLEASSSE, let go of the small (insignificant), drama-filled, issues that are holding you back in life. They are sucking the very life out of you and for what?
You need your strength to encourage the person dealing with the big issues.

You have amazing potential in life just don’t let it slip away by focusing on the struggle.
Instead, find your strength.

P.S. I help people get fit from the inside out. If you are ready to invest in you and get started on your journey to realizing what you are truly capable of in life, shoot me a message at

Digging Deeper,
Jessica Bowser Nelson

gaining perspective

Comments (1)

  1. Adriana Rios (reply)

    09/25/2015 at 10:09 am

    This is great and I wish I could say this to so many!! People complain and whine about things that they have control over. I used to be told at work that I was always calm and it was a very stressful environment. I finally told them, I have had to make the decision to pull life support from my dad at 19, two months later my mom was diagnosed with Leukemia and fought for years the passed away. If my mom went through so much and never complained why should I if I’m healthy. Why should i complain when there’s others truly suffering? Work was not stressful at all in comparison, people just like to complain and I have too much to be thankful for that I have no time to complain. Wish the best for your friend attitude in these situations is everything

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