Enough Alreadycan people change

Countless hours, years really..this was the time I spent wondering: Can people change? What can I do to facilitate that change? How can I hurry it along? Bring it about sooner? WHAT’S A GIRL GOT TO DO because I was at that place. My husband HAD to make some changes or there wouldn’t be a husband much longer. And I didn’t believe in divorce..so just the thought of it, left me beating myself up more. I was at my wit’s end. I spent most nights lying awake in fear, crying, tense, wondering if he would make it home alive THAT night. I was putting every effort and energy I had left into figuring out how to change my husband. How can I make him see his choices are killing him and ME?! Is he blind? Does he care at ALL? WHY IS HE DOING THIS? WHAT CAN I DO? My head was spinning in circles. It was a vicious cycle and I was an emaciated hamster barely making my wheel spin. Can people change? I mean, seriously, CAN PEOPLE CHANGE? Can I help them change? I had to find out soon. I didn’t have much left.

Can People Change?can people change

Thru my struggles over the years, I have learned a lot. Can people change? Absolutely. But there’s a catch. There always is, isn’t there? Thankfully, this “catch” equals freedom. I have a few instrumental aha moments (I call them God moments) in my life and in the video below, I share one of them. This was a game changer for me. This moment allowed me to find ME again. I had been buried with guilt, stress, anxiety, care-gone-wrong, and utter turmoil. Have you been there? Or maybe you are there right now. I pray this helps you in some way and if it does, I’d love to hear about it.

My Aha Moment

P.S. If you are ready to get fit from the inside out, message me at Jessica@jessicabowsernelson.com.

Digging Deeper,
Jessica Bowser Nelson
can people change


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