How Overcoming Fear Changes Everythingovercoming fear

Overcoming fear is vital to our growth as people.Fear can paralyze you. It can hold you back. It can steal who you are and what you were meant to be. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want that happening. I don’t let the people around me, my circumstances, my past, what people say…I don’t let any of that dictate my future. So, I sure can’t let fear sneak in and snatch it all away either.

Unfortunately, overcoming fear won’t just happen naturally. You have to go after it. You have to make a conscious decision to fight fear.
What are you afraid of? And really think about it.
Why are you so afraid of THAT?
What’s the worst case scenario that could happen?

For example: If you fear failure, okay. That’s a super common one. You are afraid to fail. What if you DO fail? Then what? Does the world end? Does a giant odd shaped plant swallow you whole? Do you melt into nothingness? No. Odds are, worst case..You might be disappointed. Upset. Maybe devastated. You failed. (Which really only means you are human and you are on the path to success, because failures are truly stepping stones. You are putting forth action. That’s what counts. Technically, you should fear NOT failing..but that’s an entirely different discussion..ha!)

After the Fear Comes Powerovercoming fear

But guess what.

Tomorrow is a new day.

You pick yourself up and reroute.
You learn from your failures.
That’s not so bad.
That’s not something to be feared. And when you no longer let the fear control you…WOW what a feeling that is!

So, my tip to you today is to find your fear. Evaluate worst case scenario. Realize overcoming fear is far more valuable than being held in bondage to it. And then go punch fear in the face.

P.S. To join me on getting fit from the inside out, message me personally at

P.S.S. If you enjoyed today’s message, feel free to comment, share, and I want to hear about how you put overcoming fear into practice!

Digging Deeper,
Jessica Bowser Nelson
overcoming fear


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