3 Main Contributors to Your Millionaire Mindsetmillionaire mindset

I noticed very early on in life that there was a BIG difference in the
words and
of those that were successful and those that weren’t.

I’ve read many books and studied A LOT of people I aspire to be like (to be successful, you need to do what successful people do, right??) and found they all had one thing in common, at least: a millionaire mindset.

According to T. Harv Eker (in his amazing book: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind),

Each of us has a personal money blueprint already ingrained in our subconscious mind that will determine our financial life. What that means is you can know everything about business, marketing, communications, negotiation or real estate, for example, but if your subconscious money blueprint isn’t preset to a high level of success, you will never amass a large amount of money.

That is great news for some and others….leaves us in a PANIC!

What if we aren’t preset for a high level of success? Are we doomed to a life of mediocrity and struggle?!?

3 Main Millionaire Mindset Influences

Welp, first we need to determine where our money blueprint came from, what it is and what we can do to get it on the fast track to success.

There are 3 factors that impact our millionaire mindset (or lack thereof). These factors shape how we are conditioned or our true feelings towards financial success:

1. Verbal Programming

Growing up, we hear a TON of phrases associated with money, mostly from our parents. This conditions our own feelings, whether we think it does or not. You end up either embracing financial success or feeling guilty thru this verbal programming. Do any of these phrases sound familiar??

“Money doesnt make you happy.”
“Money’s the root of all evil.”
“There’s never enough.”
“We can’t afford it.”
“Rich people are greedy.”
“Save your money for a rainy day.”
“You can’t take it with you.”
“It takes money to make money.”
“Money doesn’t grow on trees.”

2. Modeling

You know the saying, “Monkey see, monkey do”? Well, that’s when modeling comes into influencing your millionaire mindset. You will most likely end up as a combination of your parents’ experiences with money or the complete opposite.

What was your parents primary response to money? Was it always a struggle to pay bills? Did money come easily or was it always a source of stress? Were they savers or spenders? Did they manage their money well or not so much? This will shape your money blueprint.

3. Specific Incidences-MILLIONAIRE MINDSET

This was a big one for me! Have you had any traumatic incidences directly related to money growing up? What about a denied credit card in a store where you were publicly humiliated? I loaned thousands of dollars to friends and got completely burned. Do you think that shaped my money mindset!?!? Heck YEAH it did!

These specific incidences can easily allow us to associate money with pain or hurt or rejection.

Based on these specific incidences, we have preset patterns towards spending, saving, or even avoiding money altogether. Odds are you even have a money limit set in your head that you associate with “making it”.  It could be $50,000, $100,000, $1,000,000. But you are only capping yourself. Maybe you have issues trusting people with money. Or you are quick to blame, justify or complain about money.

The wealthy believe: I create my life.

The poor believe: Life happens to me.

What Now?

Now that you’ve learned what has shaped your millionaire mindset, it’s time to make some changes. It all comes down to your thoughts and the only way to change the essence of who you are is by reprogramming your brain…changing your stinking thinking! Ha!

My recommendation is to immediately start reading, listening to audio, watching videos of the people that are doing what you want to do and being who you want to be. It’s time to become a student of success. No matter how your verbal programming, modeling and specific incidences have impacted you up to this point, it can be changed by focused, intentional effort on your part. Will it be worth it? I have a million reasons saying YES!

P.S. I have an opportunity for a select few of you this week to be a fly on the wall in my business. You can see first hand (on Facebook–come and go as you please) what I do and how it has helped me earn a million dollars helping people! Message me personally at jessica@jessicabowsernelson.com to secure your spot.

Digging Deeper,

Jessica Bowser Nelson

millionaire mindset




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