How to Get Out of a Slump

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It’s Jessica and today’s topic I want to talk about is this party that you can possibly throw for yourself over and over in life and that is…..


I don’t know about you, but I’ve definitely been there…where I feel sorry for myself. Or, if I’m going through something and I don’t understand it…I don’t know WHY…then I’m just totally, all on board, FULL-ON into my pity party.

I’ve found a way for me to combat this easier or quicker so that I don’t just live in my pity party-ness. We have to figure out how to get of a slump and fast.

Sometimes your pity party can last days… or weeks… or months or YEARS! I mean, you can still be feeling bad for yourself about something that happened sooo long ago. So, I’ve kinda come up with this strategy of how to get out of a slump for myself, so I thought I would share it with you. I only allow myself to kind of dwell in the mess or you know, have my pity party, for say… five minutes, ten minutes, sometimes an hour, but I definitely have a way to shut it down and am able to re-focus and move on in my life.

So, it involves an umbrella.
What I’ve found is that, if you don’t have your umbrella, you’re going to get rained on.
If it rains a lot, you’re drowning.
You’re trying to swim.
You’re trying to survive.
But it can get to be HEAVY and that’s, kind of, life living in a pity party. It will rain. You know?
to avoid the rain,
to avoid the downward spiral
that could potentially happen in your life when circumstances don’t work in your favor,

How to get out of a funkhow to get out of a slump

So what is the umbrella that’s gonna save you from your pity party? Well, it’s going to be gratitude.
It’s going to be appreciating things and finding the good… and you might be rolling your eyes right now like, “Oh geez, I already know that, but it doesn’t matter because this is what happened to me… blah blah blah…”

But here’s the thing…
You have to shut it down.
You have to take your pity party…
You have to tell everybody involved that the doors are closed.
The lights are off and the party’s over.

THIS is how to get out of a slump. Exit the building.

Focus on the positive instead of dwelling on the negative.

So I find that if I start focusing on something good, and something I appreciate, and something positive that’s happened to me, instead of dwelling on the negative, I can’t help but kind of change my own mood and literally, the umbrella of being appreciative and thankful will keep me from drowning in my self pity and help me get out of my slump.

So next time it happens, because it’s GONNA happen… things are going to happen to you,
and you’re gonna feel violated,
taken advantage of,
walked all over,
you’re gonna feel like a doormat,
you’re gonna feel like you didn’t deserve that,
(all of those things are kind of normal human emotion),
but it’s when you get rained on and let yourself drown in those sorrows,
you’re no longer a productive person,
and you’re no longer yourself.

So grab your umbrellaHow to get out of a slump

If you have to, literally sit down and make a list of everything you’re thankful for, but focus on the good. Find something you can appreciate. And there IS something (I guarantee it) in your life, that you can appreciate to turn things around and stop narrowing your focus on the bad things that are happening to you. So I know that helps me. Like I said, I’ll literally give myself like a 5 minute timer to, you know, swim in my pity party. THEN I’m going to open my umbrella and I’m going to rescue myself out of my own head and get out of my slump.

So I hope that helps you guys learn an easy way how to get out of a slump! If you need help, whether it be in your health and fitness, or if you just are striving for success and you haven’t quite reached it yet and you would like some tips, feel free to shoot me a message, I would love to help you succeed in every area of your life!

Digging Deeper,

Jessica Bowser Nelson

how to get out of a slump

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