Pick up the bat and take ownership of your life.

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Hey! It’s Jessica and it’s time for my Wednesday Rant,
and I’m just so fired up today about this topic that I just had to get it out.

Some of you are literally self-sabotaging your own life and keeping yourself from fulfilling your dreams and living the life that you’re capable of living.

You’re underestimating yourself.

It’s kind of like in baseball…
First off, you’ve gotta pick up the bat.
Some of you, you haven’t even picked up the bat. Now what does that entail?
That means taking ownership for your life,
for your success,
for your decisions.
You get where you are based on your own choices.

Success takes work, so keep your eye on the prize.eye on the prize

So you might just need to own that and realize, guess what? From today forward, I’ve got to make better decisions. I’ve got to pick up the bat. There is no more blaming your past, or blaming the people around you, or waiting on someone else to do it for you, because that’s just not realistic and it’s not going to happen… And if it has happened for someone then super awesome (for them), but guess what?

I’m not going to wait around and let my success and my life be determined on someone else getting me there. I’m going to pick up the bat. So now that you’ve picked up the bat (hopefully…and if you haven’t, I hope you decide today to pick up your bat)..
well, now what happens?
Pitcher is on the mound and the ball is coming your way.
What are you going to do?
What are you going to do when that ball is coming at you and it’s coming at you fast? Because guess what?
Success isn’t easy.
Success isn’t on a silver platter.
Success is going to take focus.
It’s going to take work.
Hopefully now that you’ve picked up the bat, you’ve put in your practice behind the scenes, because that’s what it takes to succeed in life, to succeed in your work out..You’ve got to put in the work behind the scenes.

So many times, we just see people’s highlight reel. We see the chapter 10 when we’re on chapter 1. But to get to chapter 10, you’ve got to go through all the other chapters. So pick up your bat, get up to the base, focus on the ball, and knock it out of the park. Because you are capable of amazing things. But if you’re going to sit around and wait and dwell on what’s not going right or what you’ve done up to this point, or what’s working against you, you’re going to go nowhere.

I’ve said it a million times, what you focus on, you become. So keep your eye on the ball. Keep your eyes on the prize. Realize where you’re going and realize, guess what? That pitcher might hit you with the ball! What are you going to do? You’re going to get right back up to bat and you’re going to try again, and your’e going to try again, and you’re going to TRY AGAIN because your life is worth it!
Your dreams are worth it!
Because you want more out of life than you currently have.
So don’t let anything hold you back.

Don’t be a benchwarmer, because benchwarmers stay on the bench. They never get in the game, they never get to taste victory, and all they are is experiencing defeat. That’s not what I want in my life, is that what you want in yours? But some of you, by holding onto your past and holding onto your excuses, are keeping yourself on the bench. And a lot of time your excuses are valid. You know, maybe the things working against you, they are legitimate. But I guarantee there is someone that has overcome more than you which means you are capable.

So start to believe in yourself, and if you’re not there yet, just start speaking life to yourself. Say it out loud.
You know what?
I AM capable.
I AM strong.
And one day you’re going to wake up,
you’re going to believe it,
you’re going to grab the bat,
you’re going to keep your eye on the prize,
and you’re gonna hit it out of the parkkkkkkkk.

eye on the prizeBelieve in yourself! You CAN succeed!

So, the bat is here, what are you going to do with it?
The choice is yours. Nobody can do it for you. I can want you to succeed soo badly, that I can’t breathe, you know? I want you to succeed in life, but I can’t succeed for you. Neither can your family. Neither can your spouse or your friends… If you’re waiting for the motivation fairy to drop into your yard and make you succeed, it’s just not happening. It’s about you showing up, grabbing the bat, keeping your eye on the prize and doing the work behind the scenes. So hopefully you will take the bat today and charge forward in your life and stop letting anything stop you because your life is worth it. Your dreams are worth it… and I mean, they actually depend on it.

So, suck it up.
Put in the work.
Grab the bat.
And keep your eye on the prize.

P.S. Hopefully that helped you! If you need more help in your journey toward success in your health, fitness or finances, shoot me a message at jessica@jessicabowsernelson.com. I would love to see how I can help you succeed on a greater level. But like I said, all I can do is help. It is up to you. “If it’s to be, it’s up to me.” See you guys.


Digging Deeper,

Jessica Bowser Nelson

eye on the prize

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