Why You Have to Be an Extroverted Introvert

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Hey guys, it’s Jessica and it’s time for my WEDNESDAY RANT!

Today I’m gonna share something about myself that you might not know and that is that I’m actually pretty shy! If you don’t know me, I can probably come across
possibly rude or
because I’m just SHY. I’m what you would call an extroverted introvert.

So I hear from a lot of you all the time you know what? “I wish i could do what you do”, or “I wish I could succeed on some level, but I’m just too shy… It would never work for me…” And heres the thing… YOU determine YOU! And there’s nothing wrong with being shy, but there’s also something to be said for just making the decision to get out of your comfort zone and to make an impact, you know?

Every one of us has a voice, and we deserve to be heard, and WE HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY! I don’t wake up every morning and think like, “Oh my gosh, I can’t wait to make this video!” I just don’t. I honestly think I would love NOT to make a video, but if I don’t make a video… if I don’t share what I’m learning, and try to help other people in their life, then what am I contributing to this world, and what kind of mark am I leaving? WHAT is my purpose? So I make the choice to get out of my comfort zone and to do something that I might not love necessarily doing in my natural self, but I do it because I want to make a difference.

Magic happens outside of your comfort zone.extroverted introvert

So guess what?
Yeah, if you see my out in public, I’m going to be the person that decides to sit on the back row. I’m going to be the one that doesn’t necessarily want to talk to you on the phone because I’m an extroverted introvert. It’s just because that’s how I am, but you know what? I also know a lot of super outgoing people and just natural extroverts. They’re not successful in life. So you can’t just equate “if I’m shy, I can’t succeed”, or “if I’m shy, I can’t do certain things”, but rather you have to make the choice about what you WANT OUT OF YOUR LIFE, what you’re WILLING TO DO… and you know they say, “Magic happens outside of your comfort zone”, so if something scares me naturally, like… if it intimidates me, then guess what?

That’s exactly what I need to do!

So find that thing in your life that you are shying away from and embrace it because that’s what life is about that’s what’s going to get your blood pumping and that’s when you’re going to realize what you’re truly capable of doing in life!

So don’t let your introverted-ness,
your shyness,
your whatever you’ve done up to this point thats held you back,
don’t let it do it anymore!
But you know what?
You can still have your time.
You can still have your time to yourself.
Your time where you need to go re-group to get back out there and to make an impact.

Find your voice and make a difference.extroverted introvert

So I hope that you listened to this today because I just don’t think that you were designed to just be quiet and to keep to yourself in this life because you were created to make a difference and to make an impact and YOU MATTER! So let your voice be heard… find your voice… and you know what? When I first made these videos they were horrible and I hated watching them and I still hate watching them or listening to my voice, but like I said… I’ve realized…If I want to make a difference, I have to speak up, even though I’m an extroverted introvert! So, find your voice. Make a difference.

P.S. If you want help succeeding on any level, it’s what I do… in your health, fitness, finances, shoot me a message jessica@jessicabowsernelson.com, I would love to help you take your life to the next level. embrace your inner extroverted introvert and achieve the dreams that are deep inside of you. Have a great day!

Digging Deeper,

Jessica Bowser Nelson

extroverted introvert


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