I Feared the 3 Day Refresh

Let’s be honest. One of the KEY reasons I love to exercise is because I also LOVE to eat! Ha! But, sometimes, even I can get carried away with splurging a little too much which leaves me feeling food coma-ish and groggy..not to mention irritable and ain’t nobody want to be around me when I feel like THAT!

So after years of avoiding ANY type of cleanse or “quick fix”, I was hearing SOOO many positive things about the 3 Day Refresh that I decide to commit. I mean, heck, it’s only 3 days, right?

Welp, my results are in and I have to say, I’m SUPER impressed. Below I will tally up the positives and the negatives for you.

Negatives of the 3 Day Refresh

  1. I panicked the first day. You know when you are told you CAN’T have something so then THAT very thing is all you want. Yeah. That was me. It wasn’t that I really wanted cupcakes or cheeseburgers or my english muffin..it was just the feeling of knowing I couldn’t have it that made me think about it more. Lesson: set your mind right. This is only 3 days. Suck it up, buttercup.
  2. Only light to moderate exercise is allowed. Welp, you’re detoxing and the more strenuous exercise you do, the more your body will fight to repair vs refresh you. So, I get it. But I love killing myself..ha! I did enjoy some Focus T25 though and it reminded me how much I LOVE that program.
  3. I love eating out. I don’t recommend even attempting that on this plan. It’s too basic and there will be too many temptations. So, I recommend doing this 3 Day Refresh over a course of 3 days where you can be 100% in charge of your meals. It will just be a lot easier on yourself.
  4. Your mind MIGHT try to play tricks on you. Don’t let it. Plan non food related activities to keep you busy and distracted. After all, while the calorie count is around 900ish, they are nutrient dense, fiber packed calories. So, you really won’t be hungry, so don’t let boredom lead you to veering off the plan as most of us in life simply snack because we’re bored.

3 day refreshPositives of 3 Day Refresh

  1. The food was AMAZING…I NEVER thought green beans could taste so good but apparently a 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil makes them CRAZY DELICIOUS. I seriously thought I would be suffering thru my fruits and veggies, because this girl loves her meat, fish and chicken, but I didn’t suffer at all. Plus the meals were perfectly spread out to keep me from being HANGRY.
  2. By the morning of day 2, my body already felt less bloated, tighter and just RIGHT. By the morning of day 3, I was down 8 pounds!! WHAT?!!? I couldn’t believe it. I ended up gaining two back by the last day but I was very intrigued by how fast my body was making changes.
  3. I just feel good. It’s really eye opening to realize how much our food choices affect our mood, puffiness, bloat, etc. While a love a splurge night (which I had the night before I started), dang…our bodies PAY FOR IT. I have definitely enjoyed this reminder of what I need to do if I want to feel GOOD vs GROGGY. It’s 100% on me.

What’s Next?

I’m going to be hosting a Private Accountability Group after Thanksgiving for you to do this EXACT 3 Day Refresh with me guiding you along. If you simply want to get your body on track, overcome a plateau or get your body feeling the way it SHOULD feel (aka amazing), then this is for you. Message me at jessica@jessicabowsernelson.com to get your pack, secure your spot with me and get you feeling great in no time. Or click here to order now.


3 day refreshbrian3dr
3 day refresh



Digging Deeper,

Jessica Bowser Nelson

3 day refresh

Comments (4)

  1. Shannon McGee (reply)

    11/12/2015 at 3:10 pm

    Hey Jessica,
    Amazing results! What are the recipes for the 3 day refresh or was it just a simple detox/juice recipe? Thanks!

    1. Jessica Bowser Nelson (reply)

      11/13/2015 at 8:00 am

      Hey Shannon! So you got to kind of create your own for breakfast, lunch and snacks off a list of approved and recommended fruits and veggies plus the shakes. So for example, for a snack, you could have a veggie and a fat (aka carrots and hummus or celery and almond butter). Then you had your choice of about 10 recipes ranging from salads to a veggie stir-fry. So lots of options which made it soooo easy. You could find something you prefer vs making yourself eat something. Make sense?

  2. Lezlie Grimes (reply)

    03/21/2022 at 1:48 pm

    I want to try the 3 day refresh! Can you get me more information?

    1. Jessica Bowser Nelson (reply)

      04/13/2022 at 7:27 am

      Hello Leslie! So sorry I am just seeing this. Messaging you now!

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