3 B’s of Unhealthy Foods to Avoid in the Kitchen for Max Results

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Hey guys, it’s Jessica Bowser Nelson, and today, since I’m in my new kitchen,
I wanted to talk to you about NUTRITION and three unhealthy foods to avoid NOW!

Obviously, it’s so vital to obtaining results in your health and fitness and if you do skip the nutrition aspect of it, your results just aren’t going to last. You know how the saying you goes, “You can’t outwork a bad diet…”, so it’s not that I want you to be on a diet so to speak, but there are definitely some things that you can kind of apply to your life, long-term, that are just going to keep you on track, and keep you eating and fueling your body the right way. So I have 3 B’s that you need to avoid in the grocery store, in your kitchen, in your pantry, whatever.

So the very first ‘B’ to avoid is going to be anything BROWN!unhealthy foods to avoid

Too many times in this day and age, our plates are completely brown. You can see this if you watch Biggest Loser. If they ever have food challenges where they bring in their old junk foods that they were surviving off of, normally, the whole room will be a shade of brown or beige.

So think of…




A lot of things that just aren’t going to really fuel you for your day are BROWN. So my tip is, for the most part, unless if it’s a special exception to the rule…if it’s brown, AVOID IT!

The number 2 ‘B’ word on my list of unhealthy foods to avoid is things in a BOX!

Anything in a box means typically it has preservatives so that it can last. And if it can last, then it’s probably not packed with the nutrients and the natural things that our body needs to function properly. So, if you’ve got that box of powdered mac and cheese in your pantry, it probably isn’t the best thing for you. So if it’s brown, or if it’s in a box, AVOID IT!

Now my number 3 ‘B’ of unhealthy foods to avoid, is anything that’s BOGUS!unhealthy foods to avoid

What do I mean by bogus? Anything that’s luring you in with a title like Fat Free… or Sugar Free… or I mean there’s so many now… Gluten Free… you know, these are buzz words that are just getting you to buy their product. It doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s healthy. Something can have NO fat but it can be loaded with calories, or it can be sugar free because it’s loaded with artificial sweeteners which are gonna just simply destroy your system. So don’t be fooled by the buzz words, which I call bogus words, because they are just there to trap you into thinking you’re being healthy when you’re actually not doing your body a favor at all. You also have to remember if it has those words on it, it’s probably in a box, or some type of container. So my number one rule of thumb is while when you’re at the grocery store, shop the perimeter meaning stick to the outside walls. That’s where you’re gonna find the fresh produce and everything that’s not going to be boxed and brown and bogus (aka the unhealthy foods to avoid).

So, hopefully my list of unhealthy foods to avoid helped you today. If you want more tips, make sure you subscribe to my channel and feel free to message me, jessica@jessicabowsernelson.com and I will get back with you to customize a plan to help you meet your needs the healthy way.

See you guys later!

Digging Deeper,

Jessica Bowser Nelson

unhealthy foods to avoid


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