Who Knew Rock Bottom was a Great Thing?success tips

Me Offering Success Tips???

If you would have told me a few years ago that I’d be here sharing success tips with you, I probably would have thought you were crazy! Ha! I was in a pretty bad place. I had become so consumed with regret and worrying about my marriage and what my husband was doing wrong, that I had forgotten about myself. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was really just tired of my life. I KNEW my life was meant for more. I had just lost my way. I was DETERMINED though to find my way back. I feel like my story is similar to a lot of you though. Often times, we think worrying about others and putting effort in things we can’t control, is the answer. I can tell you from experience, it’s NOT. It will just drain you and seriously steal your spirit. You will be spinning your wheels and going nowhere.

Tips for Success in Lifesuccess tips

Out of all of the success tips I could offer you, this one for me is one of the biggest. This tip was a hard lesson for me to learn, because honestly, embracing this concept initially for me felt selfish. BUT, once you watch the video, you will see that it’s actually quite the contrary. It’s self-LESS! Only when I realized this, did my life change. The key to remember is that you are only responsible for YOU. You can’t change those around you no matter how badly you may want to. And the day in and day out effort, will simply leave you empty, frustrated and feeling like a failure. Watch the video below and let me know if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired by emailing me at Jessica@jessicabowsernelson.com. If you enjoy my success tips then comment below! I would love to hear from you!

Digging Deeper, Jessica Bowser Nelson
success tips

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