SPOTLIGHT ON: Emerald Coach Debra Wilsonsick all the time

Are you one of those people that are just sick all the time and have come to almost accept it as normal? Dare 2 Dream Emerald coach, Debra Wilson was that way! Here is her story of how she went from a smoker who was sick all the time to a passionate coach with a perfect doctor’s report now paying it forward to help others!

Just Some Kind of Sick all the Time!

“For the first time in my life I feel good about my body and I’m not sick all the time!! Growing up I was so skinny I looked sickly and couldn’t gain a pound. When I finally started gaining weight in my 30′s I had no idea how to control it. I ate terrible, felt terrible, never drank water, smoked a pack of cigarettes a day and drank a gallon of sweet tea (with a cup of sugar in it) everyday. I was slowly killing myself and I was sick all the time. I never worked out and was always exhausted, stressed out and depressed.

sick all the time

In 2009 I ended up in the hospital and one of the doctors asked me how long I had been smoking. I started smoking right after high school and had tried to quit many times but always went back to it. I knew it was bad for my health and there really was no wonder as to why I was sick all the time, but that day she told me if you smoke 40 years it isn’t a matter of ‘if’ smoking will kill you, it’s a matter of ‘when’. She said if I was lucky I would have a heart attack and go quickly but if not I would get COPD which she explained as slowly drowning in your own fluids. That did it for me. I quit!  That began my journey to wellness.

In 2011 I began to work on my eating habits. Our pastor had called for a 21 day Daniel fast and I did it. I lost a little weight and that felt good, because my BMI was so high my doctor had me listed as obese, even though my actual weight was only 157. I joined Weight Watchers and lost my first 15 pounds but got stuck there. I was still 10 pounds away from the goal weight my doctor had given me. The only exercise I was doing was walking. I hate the gym, but I knew if I really wanted to get fit, I was going to have to step it up.

A friend of mine at church is a Beachbody coach so I contacted her and she recommended a couple of programs for beginners. I chose Slim in 6. She also told me about Shakeology, a meal replacement shake, and how good it was for you. I joined onsick all the timee of her 90 day Challenge Groups … Thinking I’ll give it 90 days.  After the first month I was sold on Beachbody!  Everywhere I went people were commenting on my weight loss and how great I looked. It took me awhile to lose that last 10 pounds because I was gaining muscle, which weighs more than fat.  Eventually I met my goal, working out, at home — with Beachbody.

The greatest health benefit I have achieved with Beachbody is the improvement in my immunity. Before Beachbody and Shakeology I was sick feeling all the time. Nothing serious, but I caught every virus or bug that went around, and it took me twice as long as everyone else to get over it. Not anymore!  I went from being sick all the time to only being sick ONCE in the last year and was well within a week, instead of a month!  Another major improvement is my sleep.  Before Beachbody, I had to take an Ambien every night in order to go to sleep and to stay asleep.  Now, I sleep like a baby.

When I went back to my doctor for my regular check up he was very impressed with my progress.  When I got my lab results back he actually wrote at the bottom, ‘Congratulations on your good results. Keep up the good work!’

Thank you God and thank you Beachbody that I’m healthy, whole and no longer sick all the time!” To connect with Coach Debra on Facebook, click here!

Digging Deeper,
Jessica Bowser Nelson
sick all the time
P.S. To join our amazing team, Dare 2 Dream as a Beachbody coach, click here!


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