Insanity Power Jumpspower jumps

If you’ve every done a single Insanity workout, you cringe at just hearing the words “power jumps”, right? Ha! It is an integral part of the workout program and something that can be mastered when done properly. If your form is not correct, though,  it can be extremely hard on your knees.  And over time, could definitely make you more susceptible to injury. And Lord knows we don’t want that! Believe it or not, are a fantastic AB WORKOUT. That’s right. Most of it should be felt in your core (if you are doing it right). I will share more about this in the video below.

I Live on the Top Floor so No Power Jumps for Me

WRONG! Living on an upper floor will actually force you to do the Insanity workout BETTER! You should not be slapping the ground, rattling the furniture or knocking paintings off the wall. You should be focusing on controlled movements that require you to use your muscles and strength on the way down and the way up. Its better to go slow in proper form than to go fast and get sloppy. power jumps I find that when I first started, I went off momentum in my power jumps. This had my feet pounding on the landing. It was LOUD. I was also jumping from the top, especially as I got tired. I was experiencing extreme knee pain and actually started wearing two knee braces. Crazy, right? But, over the years, I have learned, it wasn’t Insanity. It wasn’t my bad knees. It was my improper form. Now, thanks to my 3 tips in the video below, I can jump with no repercussions.

3 Tips to Perfect Power Jumps

P.S. If you are ready to start your 30 minute a day transformation, email me at . I’m thrilled to help you get started and find the results you are looking for!

Digging Deeper,
Jessica Bowser Nelson
power jumps

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