Pure Reality Could Be What’s Holding You Back Versus Excuses

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So I believe that every person has a story.

Your life has unfolded in a certain way and a lot of times, especially when you read certain inspiring books or listen to motivational speakers, you hear the term, “No excuses”. I feel like, the more we hear THAT, the more we put a wall up, because, to us, what’s going on in our life or in our current situation, is not an excuse.

Its our life.

A lot of times the things that are holding us back are legitimate and are real to us and they are something we are struggling with. What I’ve learned is that no matter where we are or what we’re dealing with, it can be legitimate, it can be our story, but it DOESN’T have to be our future. I just recently saw the movie Unbroken. And if you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it. (I actually went straight and bought the book afterwards, as well, because the message behind the story is one that will change you.)

There was this man who faced disaster after disaster after disaster.
He had every reason to give up
…to throw in the towel,
…to lose faith,
…to lose hope and
…to just crumble and

His spirit soared amongst the craziest of circumstances. He was in the military and ended up being in a plane crash, then excusesstranded at sea for 40+ days to then end up being rescued by the Japanese government to THEN end up being tortured for years. How often in our own lives do we have to deal with things and think that we just can’t get thru it and that nobody understands and that in the midst of our circumstances, there is NO HOPE.

But when you can all of a sudden build yourself up and look beyond that and find that little thing inside of you that you didn’t even realize was there…when you do that, things will change. When you decide that, yes, you might be too busy. You might not have any time. You might not have any money. Whatever THAT THING is…you know, what some people might consider an excuse, but you might consider your reality…whatever THAT is…when you decide that you are sick and tired of being sick and tired of THAT THING having the power and the control over you…whenever you decide you are going to move beyond it, no matter what it takes, and when you get that fight and drive deep in your gut, it will no longer be your story.

I heard once that a lot of times, even if you are going thru something tough or hard on you, if you are USED to it, if that has BEEN your situation, if you’re used to struggling financially, that’s also where you’re COMFORTABLE because that’s what you’re USED to. So we might stick with something that isn’t necessarily what we want in life but we stay there because we know it and it’s familiar and because we are comfortable. So I want you to just think about it in your life. What is it that’s holding you back from achieving your goals in your job, in your health and fitness? Whatever it may be.

I hear from people all day long.

“I just don’t have time.”
“I’m just not motivated.”
“I just can’t afford it.”

excusesAnd what I know that I know that I know is that when you want something bad enough, nothing will stop you.

I heard an analogy once that in your business, if your boss said, “If you do XYZ by Friday (whatever XYZ would be in our job), I will give you AN ALL EXPENSE PAID TRIP FOR 10 DAYS TO TAHITI!!!” What’s going to happen? Odds are, whatever it was that you THOUGHT you couldn’t do, whatever it was that you didn’t have the time for or the motivation for..all of the sudden, you’re going to be a little more spirited, a little more gung-ho and a little more “on it” because all you’re seeing is that flight to Tahiti. You’re imagining yourself with that glass with that umbrella and that sun blazing down on you while you’re reading your book. So, now you’re FOCUSED. You have your attention where it needs to be and you’re not going to stop until you get there.

What if you treated what you wanted in life with that same enthusiasm and vigor and drive?

You would be buying your OWN trip to Tahiti. You would be out in your OWN chair with your book and your umbrella and you excuseswould have gotten there YOURSELF. So whatever it is, I encourage you, don’t let it hold you back. It can be your reality. It can be your current situation. But, I promise there is someone worse off than you, doing more than you. Like the guy in the movie, you aren’t stranded on a raft, starving to death for 40+ days to only be rescued and thrown into a torture camp. So, I’m watching this movie and thinking, “Oh my goodness! My problems are so small! My struggles are so insignificant compared to what this guy overcame!” I’m not saying your problems are small. But what I am saying is YOU ARE STRONG. And you can overcome because someone has gone before you and someone will go behind you. So don’t let whatever it is that you told yourself of whatever it is that’s your reality, it doesn’t have to be tomorrow.

Make the change today.

If you need to get up 30 minutes earlier, get up 30 minutes earlier. If you have to skip a TV show, skip a TV show. If you have to tell your kids, “You know what, this is going to be my time because I need to DO better to BE better”…set the standard and set the boundaries and CHANGE your life. It will trickle into every area whether it’s focusing on your business, your workout, your health, your nutrition, whatever it is….if you thought you were too tired, if you thought you were too broke..whatever is holding you back in this moment, does not have to hold you back anymore. If you have any topics that you would like discussed on Jessica’s Jam, comment below and I will see you next week!



Digging Deeper,
Jessica Bowser Nelson

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