One of My Favorite No Regret Quotes / Storiesno regret quotes

I read this story in the book Failing Forward, by John Maxwell and wanted to share it with you.

It is one of my favorite no regret quotes or stories that I’ve come across. It has so much meaning if you really think about it. How often do we hold OURSELVES back in life. Enjoy!

The City of Regret

I had not really planned to take a trip this year, yet I found myself packing anyways. And off I went, dreading it. I was on another guilt trip.

I booked my reservation on Wish I Had airlines.
I didn’t check my bags..everyone carries their baggage on this airline..and had to drag it for what seemed like miles in the Regret City Airport. And I could see that people from all over the world were there with me,
limping along
under the weight of bags
they had packed themselves

I caught a cab to Last Resort Hotel, the driver taking the whole trip backward, looking over his shoulder. And there I found the ballroom where my event would be held:
The Annual Pity Party.

As I checked in, I saw that all my old colleagues were on the the guest list:

The Done FamilyWoulda, Coulda, and Shoulda
Both of the OpportunitiesMissed and Lost
All of the Yesterdays– there were too many to count, but all would have sad stories to share.
Shattered Dreams and Broken Promises would be there, too, along with their friends Don’t Blame Me and Couldn’t Help It.

And, of course, hours and hours of entertainment would be provided by that renowned storyteller: It’s Their Fault.

As I prepared to settle in for a really long night, I realized that one person had the power to send all of these people home and break up the party:
All I had to do was return to the present and welcome the new day!


If you’ve been on this flight before regret quotes

YOU book the trip.
YOU buy the ticket.
YOU take the ride.

But, YOU can also cancel it at ANYTIME.

P.S. If you want more information on getting fit from the inside out by joining our Dare 2 Dream team, message me personally at and you can start today, putting the past behind you and designing the life you want to live.

Digging Deeper,

Jessica Bowser Nelson

no regret quotes


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