Good Intentions Lead You Where Again?good intentions

How many of you have started something with GOOD intentions? You were excited! You were gung-ho! You were ALL IN! Your head, heart and enthusiasm were all in the right place. Maybe you started a workout program, a second job, a budget, marriage counseling, a diet, marathon training, sticking to a schedule, just making better choices, etc. I have some news for you. Intention gets you nowhere. Nowhere. You do not pass go. You do not collect a hundred dollars. Good intentions are equal to poor intentions, unfortunately. They mean nothing. It’s kind of like words, in my book. I’ve known a lot of talkers in my day. Know who I mean? The ones that always have something coming up, something “in the works”. Or what about the ones full of empty promises? Ever been in a relationship with someone like that? “I didn’t mean to.” Or..” I’ll never do that again.” Meaningless words. Good intentions, sure. But without backing it up with action, it’s useless.

The Difference

Everyone can start something. The follow through is what matters. The actual word “intention” means “the thing that you PLAN or WANT to do or achieve”. Not the actual thing you DO achieve. Anyone can “plan”. Everyone “wants”. So good intentions or starting something with good intentions doesn’t set you apart. I’m on a slight rant today but only because it frustrates the heck out of me to see that as a society, we lack follow through. My job is to help people in one of two ways. 1. I get to help people reach their health and fitness goals (amazingly fulfilling job, by the way) 2. I get to help people build their own side business helping people reach their health and fitness goals while they also reach theirs (even more fulfilling as I can reach more people and impact EVERY area of their life!). I have seen TREMENDOUS success, life CHANGING success, in both of these scenarios. What I get the opportunity to do and share with others…WORKS. All you have to do is follow through with the plan. I see good intentions all day long and then what happens? People disappear. It’s as if there is a good intentions eating Loch Ness monster out there. People start strong. People want a change. People want to feel better, look better, make a difference in their life and others. People are sick and tired of being sick and tired and then….they are gone. Is it the work? Is it the commitment? Are we more comfortable than we thought in our own misery? Do we prefer THAT to getting our hands dirty and rolling up our sleeves even when the reward on the other side is WELL worth it 100 times over? I don’t understand it and more importantly, I REFUSE to accept it.

Don’t Let Society Wingood intentions

Society wants us to stay in our content, status quo, mediocre world of good intentions. But your dreams, your future, that spark inside of you that’s waiting to be reignited, they want you to fight. They want you to follow through with those intentions that were put in your heart and mind for a reason. Whether you are on my team of coaches, are one of my challengers or if I have yet to meet you…whatever you have committed to, whatever you are currently “trying”, “intending”, “planning” or “wanting” to do, just do it. Act. Fire. Shoot. Don’t look back. Don’t give up….again. Don’t fall for a plan B or a plan Z. Don’t be like everyone else. You were born to be a champion. So be.   P.S. Ready to turn your good intentions into actions and join my next 30 day, get fit fast accountability group? Message me at OR even consider joining my team!

Digging Deeper, Jessica Bowser Nelson
good intentions

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