Are You Paralyzed by the Fear of Rejection?fear of rejection

Do you suffer from the fear of rejection? If so, I guarantee you are not alone. The fear of rejection can literally halt your life. If it takes over you, your relationships will suffer. Your job will suffer. I mean, shoot, opportunities will simply pass you by as you fail to act on anything out of a fear of rejection. What kind of life is that? I don’t want to sit on the sidelines, warming the bench of MY LIFE!?! DO YOU? This past week, a whole new perspective was introduced to me in regards to the fear of rejection. And honestly, I find being afraid to  fail and fearing rejection to be very closely related. So consider this new outlook and “cure all” in regards to either fear. And don’t be fooled, I’m willing to bet there is something in your life that you are NOT doing due to not wanting to be rejected or not wanting to fail. So instead of going after it, you are doing nothing. What dreams are you sacrificing? What goals are you giving up? And WHY? For a fear–a fear that doesn’t have to exist??

The Doctors Infear of rejection

Oh my goodness! In the video below, I share two tips that will literally change your life and free you from yourself! But I wanted to make sure you had this one in writing. Ultimately, the fear of rejection is valuing your self image higher than your possibility to help someone. WHAT?! Wow! Well, when you put it that way…it makes sense. I’m worried more about how I will look or feel then about what I’m offering to that person. For example, in my profession, my job is to help people reach their goals, whether it be in health and fitness or financially. If I get scared that I will be rejected or made fun of, I won’t share what I have to offer. In that moment, I am no longer looking out for that person. I am only looking out for me. I KNOW they will benefit from what I have to offer. I KNOW it will change their life because its changed mine and many others. So, do I want to selfishly keep that to myself? No. I have to beat my fear. My intention is to help others  and I can’t let my fear paralyze me anymore.

Fear of Rejection Free

P.S. To get more info on how to change your life from the inside out by joining my team as a coach, email me at

Digging Deeper, Jessica Bowser Nelson

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