Are You Determined to Succeed but Not There Yet?

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Hey guys!
It’s Jessica Bowser Nelson and I just finished my work out so I thought this was a good time to share with you!

I just wanted to talk to you a little bit about one of my favorite topics, and that is your language…

I want to talk a little bit about non serving language. So, too often in life, I really feel like we just constantly use non serving language, and if your thoughts can actually dictate WHERE you go, then we’re kind of self sabotaging ourselves! So, let me give you an example of how your thoughts actually can STRAIGHT dictate your life.

Listen Up if You are Determined to Succeeddetermined to succeed

You know, when I wake up in the morning, I go into the bathroom…and my conversation can go one of two ways:

It can be…as I look in the mirror, I kind of do one of these….

Oh my God, another gray hair… like, I’m so wrinkly… I look so tired… (Probably because I am tired…) I slept HORRIBLE… Oh my gosh, I’m getting so fat, like…what happened? I shouldn’t have eaten that pizza! Man, I’m just SUCH a disappointment…”

and THEN I just want to go crawl back in my bed and forget about the day.

Now, the NEXT day I could wake up in a totally different manner. I could look in the mirror, and be like…

“Man, I might be tired but I’m so thankful that I have a place to sleep at night, and I’m EXCITED about this day. I can’t wait to see what kind of people I come across, and who I’m able to help and whose day I might be able to brighten, and I’m ready and I’m excited and I just can’t wait to see what’s in store and I’m thankful and grateful for all that I have!!”

Now what happens?

On those two different days, I have TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT DAYS because I set the pace for myself!
So think about it.
Are you truly determined to succeed?
What are you doing for your day?
Are you helping it?
Are you pushing it forward to where you really want to go in life?
Are you setting the track for success, and for awesome things to happen to you?
Or are you literally starting out your day with a pity party and with the “Woe is me” and with the “This life sucks” and “When am I gonna catch a break” and “Nothing ever works out for me…” and like I said, I don’t know about you, but on those two days I feel like two totally different people.

determined to succeedSo I just want to challenge you…
Set the pace for your life, and make it a good pace. Because if you’re dictating your life, then guess who you could be mad at when you’re having a bad day? YOURSELF! That’s it! So think about it. If you are determined to succeed, then throw out the non serving language, because it’s not going to take you where you want to go… and if you aren’t where you want to be, considering focusing, and really honing in on what you’re saying in your thoughts, and in your head, or even out loud.

You know, there’s always that person that you get around that you’re like, “Ughhh!” They just draaaaaain the life out of you… Don’t be that person! Turn your language around, say something POSITIVE and I guarantee your life will align to it!

So hopefully that helped you today! If you are interested in getting some help on getting fit from the inside out, that’s what I do. Shoot me an email, and I’d love to just see how I can help you meet your goals, fulfill your dreams and live the life I know you’re capable of if you are determined to succeed!

See you guys later!

Digging Deeper,

Jessica Bowser Nelson

determined to succeed

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